6th grade preparing to plant |
The Sacred Valley of the Incas has for many centuries fed a large human population. It is famous for its large-kernel maize called choclo. There are thousands of varieties of potato as well as other crops such as habas (broad beans), quinoa and kiwicha (amaranth).
Our school is attuned to the ancient agricultural calendar of the Incas and their predecessors by way of getting our students in touch with their ancestral heritage which was for many years repressed by the Spanish colonial system. Today we had a ceremony in which seeds were blessed by all the children in a short ceremony in which thanks were given to Pachamama, who is much more than just 'mother earth'. In the Inca cosmology she is also the feminine principle of the cosmos, her male counterpart being Pachacamac.
Parent and shaman Rene Franco blessing seeds prior to planting |
Afterwards each student planted the seeds in his or her own garden plot cultivated throughout the school grounds.
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