Thursday, 13 June 2019

Earthquake 8.0 hits Sauce

At 2.44 am on Sunday May 26 Lourdes and I were woken by violent shaking that went on for almost 4 minutes.

I immediately knew we were in a strong earthquake and that older structures would be undergoing terrible damage all around us.  I prayed to the Archangel Michael that there would not be injuries and fatalities.

I have felt an answer to my prayers during the last few weeks as there is evidence all around of  damage to structures but miraculously there have been no reports of deaths or serious injuries.

At present government agencies and the military are hard at work putting up temporary housing for those who have lost their homes.  Our large central 'Plaza de Armas' now has these plywood structures on three sides and the cement football court behind Estrella de Sauce has a crew of young soldiers (my English students) putting up more of the temporary huts as I write these lines.

We feel very fortunate that our house came through without damage and Estrella de Sauce only has a small amount of wall damage.

Photos. Luis Justo

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