Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Chavin Revisited

El Lanzon at Chavin

Although I find it a place way too cold to think about living there, my favorite place in Peru is Chavin de Huantar.  For me it is the spiritual center of Peru and the 4000 year old carved stone diety known as El Lanzon is a local representative of the Godhead in physical form.

I always get an inspirational spiritual charge whenever I get to go back to spend time at the Chavin temple complex.  Just a few days back I returned from almost two weeks up at Chavin and had a really great trip.

To see more about Chavin go to my new blog:

I went on a solo hike up the east side of the Mosna river valley to get this photo of the 3,800 year old Chavin temple complex.  The ceremonial plaza can be seen in the foreground with the various truncated pyramids behind.

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