Work proceeds slowly on our house in Sauce. I've had fun not being a carpenter for this project and trying my hand at stone work. I got pink volcanic rocks from over the other side of the lake, white rocks from up on the mountain and rounded river rocks from the bank of the rio Huallaga to create this vertical garden with falling water that comes from a pipe perforated with little holes hidden behind the upper wooden shelf. The water irrigates the plants and also makes interesting patterns flowing down the central tiles. I made the plant containers by forming the shapes with chicken wire and then covering this with cement. At the moment we have 3 goldfish and 2 turtles living in the pool. Hopefully soon we'll get some koi as well. I find it relaxing hanging out beside the plants and the falling water watching the evolving aquatic ecosystem.
Ho my god ! It's .... not just beautiful but magnífico ! And the story of the origin of the stone is just awesome :) I like the story of this wall and i'll continue in spanish because my english is to bad for this sry :p. Se hace ahora mucho tiempo, el tiempo cuando discutabamos de esta pared hipotética. Tenías este proyecto en tu menta y lo realisaste. no more dificulte as that. Con el tiempo viniera la obra. Y Aunque no hice tanto a esta pared, estoy sin embargo un poco orgulloso cuando véo atras de esta maravilla lujuriante la color de mi pintura. :) Sigua así amigo Cuidate y da un abrazo fuerte a Lourdes, etc...