Monday, 9 March 2015

International women's day speech

On Sunday March 8 Lourdes was asked to give a speech in the main plaza of Sauce by the municipal authorities to commemorate international women's day as a representative of our Friday club for senior citizens.  She got straight to the point in deploring Peru's 'machista' culture and its unfortunate ranking as having the highest rate of domestic violence in South America.

Our volunteers Ronja and Marlene lead some of the members of our senior citizens club in the annual international women's day parade.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Remodel at Estrella de Sauce

In the southern hemisphere the school year starts in March.  Thanks to a generous donation from Freunde der Erziehungskunst Reudolf Steiners in Berlin we are now preparing for the 2015 reopening of our after-school enrichment program by building some walls that were lacking at our headquarters in Sauce, Peru. Additionally we are delighted that our ex-volunteer Andres decided to take a break from his law studies in Freiburg, Germany to come and see us.  He kindly offered to paint our classroom chairs and other furniture to get us ready for opening day next week.
Andres and Lourdes preparing our classroom for the new school year.

Our builder maestro Simon with Lourdes with new wall that includes an area for making compost.

New interior wall behind our traditional oven.