During the first week of June I'm off to Germany where I have been invited to attend a conference about volunteers. I will also be visiting the offices of Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners to talk about our Estrella del Sur projects in Peru and to thank them for helping us make the step of aquiring a building site for our new center in Sauce. This help was in the form of an interest-free loan. We are really happy to finally get a place of our own that we can shape into a very welcoming educational and social center for the community.

Here are our volunteers from Germany, Andreas and Freya, in front of our newly aquired building site in Sauce. It measures 11 meters wide by 20 meters deep and is one block away from the lake. It is a different site than the one we first looked at back in February. We had problems with the price which kept going up. The new site is just a few meters away and is better in that it has a large sports area behind it which will give the children more room to play.
We would like to thank our friends who responded to our appeal for help to buy a permanent home for Estrella del Sur. Shortly we will start remodeling this traditional jungle-style building using funds kindly donated by various friends to double its size to create a classrom space. We also plan to build two bedrooms for our volunteers, a bathroom with shower, a kichen and dining area, gardens, a playground and a covered area for woodworking and other crafts such as candlemaking.
We welcome visitors.
We also welcome the donation of more funds so we can complete our remodeling project.

We have recently started Friday workshops for senior citizens 60 to 80 years old from 3-5 pm which is attended by 20 people. We offer weaving, embroidery, knitting and other crafts. We encourage participants to tell their personal stories and it has been interesting to find out more about 'the old days' when Sauce was a much more isolated place and there was a lot more magic. Several report seeing mermaids in the lake when they were younger, also balls of fire, which is likely because the whole area is seismically active and it seems to have been more so in the past. After a glass of fruit juice and a piece of cake the participants go off home happy. This is the first such gathering offered in Sauce for older people. Lourdes is glad to have all these new friends.
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