Friday, 24 January 2014

Greetings to all

A belated Happy New Year for 2014 to all our dear family and friends.  Please know that all are invited to come to Sauce for a visit.  We even have a new bedroom for visitors recently completed in our Estrella de Sauce headquarters.  We always enjoy having people to stay and usually go for a cruise around Laguna Sauce in our sailing catamarán 'Estrella del Lago'.
New guest bedroom at 'la escuelita'
New sign
Traditional oven now has a cement coating
Garden at 'la escuelita'

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Daily English classes on Sauce community radio

We are now on our eleventh weekly English class here in Sauce.  We record an hour every Monday night  at 6pm and the class gets repeated every weekday at the same time.  We try to combine material for all ages and intersperse learning words and phrases with songs and verses aimed at younger listeners.

Catamaran sleepover

While our 10 meter sailing catamarán is built as a daysailer with no cabin, it has plenty of room on the main deck to put up a dome tent.  Yesterday I got fed up with fixing dry rot on a stern transom and decided to go camping down at the end of ´la laguna´where there is some remaining classic jungle and wildlife.  It was the first time I had slept out on the boat and it was a delight to put down the anchor in a secluded cove and go kayaking at twilight to see a whole variety of birds.

I had a good night´s sleep but dawn rose with ominous rolls of thunder in the distance so I headed back to Sauce quickly and got in just before a huge tropical downpour.  I was really glad it waited til I had gotten back.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

House construction

Our house in Sauce, which will have a cafe downstairs and two bedrooms for guests upstairs as well as a bedroom for Lourdes and I, plus a woodshop, is moving forward slowly but surely.

I'm really glad to have finally got the main roofing completed which includes a third-storey 'mirador' or lookout with a nice 360 degree view of the town of Sauce and out over 'la laguna'.  This mirador features a palm frond roof and will no doubt be a favorite hang-out spot when the construction moves along enough to include permanent stairs up to it.