Three days ago we started the remodeling job on our new Waldorf-inspired community outreach center here in Sauce, Peru. We are beginning with the necessary basics; new plumbing pipes and the foundation for what will be the bathroom. Because of humidity concerns the bathroom is to be built of bricks but the rest of the planned structure that will comprise of a classroom, two bedrooms for our volunteers, kitchen and clothes washing area will be built of 'kincha', a traditional building material in this part of the Amazon basin that is essentially the same as the old English 'wattle and daub' whereby mud is applied to a woven wood matrix to make the walls. It's a tried and true method that is eco-friendly, cheap and we like the soft aesthetics of the earth-tone finish. These walls will be topped with the traditional palm-frond roofing.
Maestro Simon and helper putting in plumbing pipes and foundation for the bathroom. |
We are making an effort to make the whole stucture wheelchair friendly as we plan to be able to accomodate both volunteers and community members with disabilities in the future.